so my journey has begun, im off to morteau in france to race for an ameture team, VCCMM. il try
keep this blog updated as much as i can and il try not to just talk about cycling haha.....
well i departed auckland airport on a 12 hour flight to san francisco on the 24th. it was really sad to leave everyone and thanks to everyone who came to see me off. my flight was pretty good i managed to sleep through most of it and i only watched 2 movies, it wasnt till i arrived in san francisco when i started to get some trouble. i was in the terminal waiting to board my flight about 50 minutes before i was due to board and i got a call over the loud speaker to go to security gate 1 which i had no idea where that was so after asking almost every person working there i found it, and they told me my bike boxes needed to be searched and i hade to supervise them. so some guy took me to some random place in the airport and he managed to get lost, then after a few fone calls he found my boxes and there was this fat lady there and she said to me they couldnt get into my boxes and that they must be locked from the inside but i kept saying to her all you have to do is un do the screws on the top (just so u know my boxes are aluminum boxes that my dad made and the top is screwed on) but she wouldnt listen to me, so by this point my flight was already boarding. the fat lady then told me to leave the room where the boxes were and wait out side, and she was saying i probly wouldnt make my flight, this is probly the most stressed iv been in a long time. bloody americans. Finaly she came out and said they got a screw driver and got the boxes open. she then said they would try get them onto my flight so i had to rush back through security and run to my depature gate, lukily they held the plane up for me and i was the last on.
my flight from san francisco to francfurt was awful it was a ten hour flight and the plane had no movies or inflight entertainment and my laptop hade no batery, and to top it of i was sitting next to this american nutcase who looked like a sleazy pedifile and kept his sunglasses on the whole flight and kept talking to himself and doing weird dance moves to his music. towards the end of the flight he asked me where i was from and then asked if weed was legal in NZ and then asked if i had any weed. i was quick to move away from as soon as we landed. i tried to learn some french on my ipod on the flight i must have listened to it for atleast 4hours but i dont think i learnt anything...
my flight to geneva was fine and i even got all my baggage, although one of the bike boxes only had 2 screws holding down the lid but im pretty sure i didnt lose anything
i was met at the airport by the team manager,oran, and another rider on the team, an australian who arrived a couple hours earlier than me. so we then had a 2 hour ride in the car to the town we are staying in, morteau. its pretty nice here heaps of old buildings and awsome mountains around it.
im staying in a flat above the teams office. the flat has 2 rooms with 2 beds in each, theres a lounge with a tv which oran said we will be getting heaps of english channels on monday, theres a kitchen with a brand new fridge and we have the cubords stocked up with food. im staying in the flat with the australian guy(mathew) and the other new zealander keiran is coming on the 8th of april.
got no internet here at the moment but should be geting it on wednesday, have to walk up to the library to get the internet